RBL thanks volunteers 

The Stoke Gifford Branch of the Royal British Legion thanked the volunteers and members who gave
up their time to crew the Poppy Stalls for
the 2022 Poppy Appeal with a meal at The Beaufort Pub in Stoke Gifford.

They all helped by collecting donations for the work of the RBL in the area and beyond. Stalls were set up in several retail outlets in the area and RBL is grateful to those teams who were most helpful throughout the Poppy Collection Season. They will also be presented with certificates for their help. The total amount collected across all the venues was a fantastic £32,898.

The branch is recruiting new members and volunteers. They have some really interesting social events planned for the next few months. People join for several reasons, such as to meet others and make new friendships; for the camaraderie; to attend remembrance services; to help crew stalls throughout the year at fetes and fairs such as Stoke Gifford Summer Fair; to help with admin; to be part of something that is important; or just want to raise funds.

All are welcome and you don’t have to be ex-Forces, anyone can join from any age. If you’re interested or need further information, call Billy Wilde on 07874895993 or Tony Peters on 07971242845.