Pharmacy life savers

A Patchway-based online pharmacy is in the running for a national award for its role in helping suicidal patients get the support they need.

The team at PillTime, a Cribbs-Causeway-HQ’d digital pharmacy, have been short-listed for an ‘Above and Beyond – Team’ award in recognition of the way they have helped ten distressed patients via their life-saving guidance and policies which they have developed over the last 12 months.

It followed a call in May 2022 to the NHS-registered company from a resident who said he was struggling and wanted to die. After this, the PillTime team drew up guidance to assist people in their darkest hour.

They created a customer care script and issued guidance to all PillTime departments which has been used to help other patients who needed mental health support or who have expressed suicidal tendencies this past year. Someone in distress can now be swiftly signposted to charities and other organisations offering specialist support.

Metro Mayor Dan Norris said: “Bravo to the PillTime team for going above and beyond to prevent these devastating events which we know have a lifelong impact on family and friends. They are, quite literally, saving lives in the West
of England.”

PillTime CEO Leighton Humphries added: “I want to express our gratitude for the recent recognition being bestowed upon our team for their efforts
in safeguarding vulnerable patients within our communities. We are fortunate to have a great team of compassionate and hardworking professionals providing an excellent service to our patients.”