Cool packs available to support residents

free cool packs containing items to help people keep cool and well in warm temperatures are now available to collect from local libraries.

Each cool pack is made up of an insulated picnic bag and contains a handheld fan, an insulated cooling bottle, two caps and ice packs. Specific bags for older people also include a cool gel pad to aid sleeping in hot temperatures and bags for families include ice lolly moulds and fun recipe cards to make with children as well as caps and water bottles for kids.

In total, 1,000 cool packs will be available over the summer for adults, pensioners and families. They are now available to collect at all South Gloucestershire Council libraries and children’s centres.

As energy costs remain high, and the cost of other essential items including food and fuel continue to increase, South Gloucestershire residents who are struggling to meet day-to-day bills can pick up a free cool pack to help over the warmer months.

South Gloucestershire Council Cabinet Member for Cost of Living, Equalities and Public Health, Coumcillor Alison Evans, said: “These cool packs are an extra way for the council to help people during summer, when temperatures may be extremely warm and keeping homes cool is difficult, especially with the high cost of energy. 

“We hope these cool packs will provide a little help and, for families, some entertainment for children to make refreshing ice lollies.”

The packs also contain lots of information about financial support available as well as advice to help maintain good mental health if you have financial concerns. There is also information about health tips
for warmer temperatures and free things to do with children during the summer.

There is no eligibility criteria for a resident to collect a cool pack other than being a resident of South Gloucestershire. However, they are being provided to support those who may not be able to keep their homes at a comfortable temperature during the summer months due to high energy costs.